Tag Archives: cybersecurity threats

Have you done your end-of-year cybersecurity health check?

How’s your end-of-year cybersecurity health check to-do list looking? Is it growing faster than your holiday shopping bills?  From closing out Q4 to planning for next year while trying to spend as much time with your family as possible, I’m guessing you don’t have much time left to focus on  Continue Reading »

Recognizing the Cyber Threats Haunting Your Business Today

How many cyber threats have knocked on your company’s door in the past month? No, seriously—take a wild guess. In today’s world, it’s pretty common for businesses to face some form of IT security threat almost daily. Hackers are getting more “creative” (read: annoying), and sometimes all it takes is  Continue Reading »

How to Keep AI from Being Used Against You

Many of the changes that make business operations better are thanks to AI. The bad news is that AI has also brought us bigger and scarier security risks since hackers use it for bad things. In fact, there has been a rise in the number of data hacks lately. Today  Continue Reading »

AI Was Used to Breach These Major Businesses

Hackers are using Artificial intelligence (AI) to breach businesses. This topic has been the subject of many discussions in recent weeks. Adopting these new algorithms for social engineering and other hacks makes it much easier for hackers to infiltrate systems. Sadly, these are no longer only theoretical conversations. Hackers using  Continue Reading »

Businesses are being exploited by Artificial Intelligence

The improvements in businesses using artificial intelligence have been quite noticeable over the years. In one of its first applications, AI developed a program for checkers that could learn by itself. Even though it was a monumental achievement, it seems so basic compared to today’s AI applications. AI is behind  Continue Reading »

Top Errors to Avoid in Training Cybersecurity  for Staff

Hacker techniques get more sophisticated with technological improvements. To keep our data safe, we must stay up-to-date with constantly changing tactics. Employees must have regular training on cybersecurity to accomplish this. Research shows that a proficient training approach can decrease susceptibility to phishing and related cyberattacks from 60% to 10%  Continue Reading »

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