Category Archives: Remote Office

The Importance of Modern Technology to Company Development and Expansion

Written on August 4, 2023 at 7:00 am, by

A lot of hard work is needed in logistics, finance, research, and technology in order for company development and expansion. Technology is important because almost every part of a modern business depends on it. In our most recent blogs, we discussed the benefits that small business owners derive from integrating the  Continue Reading »

5 IT infrastructure solutions every remote organization needs

Written on April 1, 2021 at 8:57 am, by

The era of remote work is here to stay, but the transition hasn’t proven easy for everyone, not least because of the stay-at-home orders to stem the pandemic. IT admins often find themselves struggling to find new solutions and tweak existing business IT infrastructure to support remote workers. Here are  Continue Reading »

5 Collaboration apps that your remote team must have

Written on March 1, 2021 at 8:19 am, by

Within the span of several months, remote working has shifted from being an option to becoming a necessity. Any business that wanted to survive the pandemic quickly implemented work from home setups, often with minimal planning. While many remote workers have been able to do their jobs thus far, workflows  Continue Reading »

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Midwest Data Iowa